Connie DeBusschere

Connie is the founder and head trainer at Canine Training Adventures LLC in Sweet Home Oregon. She has been working with dogs for over 30 and enjoys helping turn dogs of all ages into adored family companions.
She is committed to providing the most effective solutions for her students’ dog training needs, thus continues her education by attending seminars and workshops on canine behavior, force free training, positive reinforcement and current humane techniques.
On March 30, 2022 Connie was voted as one of the top positive reinforcement trainers in Oregon! Sponsored by Sniffspot.
She attends the Association of Professional Dog Trainers conference, Oregon State University's Department of Animal Science course on canine behavior, Patricia McConnell behavior seminars and Pat Hasting’s Structure in Action Workshop to name a few.
Connie is an owner/breeder of English Shepherds and has placed titles on her dogs in agility, obedience, herding, Farm Dog, barn hunt, NASDA and trick dog. Connie and her English Shepherd Jasper competed at the first Agility World Championship held in the United States that was aired on Animal Planet. Jasper was also the first English Shepherd to achieve the Outstanding Versatile English Shepherd award.
Her dog Rose was a certified therapy dog through the Alliance of Therapy Dog Organization. Connie assisted the Sweet Home Library in establishing the R.E.A.D (Reading, Education, Assistance, Dogs) program, where kids with reading problems read to dogs.
Connie is a member of the Animal Behavior Association, Doggone Safe Program and Professional member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT). She is an American Kennel Club Farm Dog Judge, Canine Good Citizen and Trick Dog evaluator and soon to be a Dog Bite Safety Educator.
Connie is excited to help owners and their dogs transform their frustration to Fun!
Janice Jenkins