Happy Customers
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Lorem ipsum dolor Phas ellus ac sodales felis tiam non metus. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit uasi quidem minus id omnis a nibh fusce mollis imperdie tlorem ipuset campas fincas
Sue Shei
Dog Lover
Patatemp dolupta orem retibusam qui commolu Fusce mollis imperdiet interdum donec eget metus auguen unc vel mauris ultricies, vest ibulum orci eget, viverra.

Jonas Smith
Cat Specialist
Patatemp dolupta orem retibusam qui commolu Fusce mollis imperdiet interdum donec eget metus auguen unc vel mauris ultricies, vest ibulum orci eget, viverra.

Maria Silva
Exotic Birds Vet
Patatemp dolupta orem retibusam qui commolu Fusce mollis imperdiet interdum donec eget metus auguen unc vel mauris ultricies, vest ibulum orci eget, viverra.

Carol Lewis & Buster
Learning to work with our first Springer Spaniel was a fun time. I fed her too many cookies and she knew how to take full advantage of me. Connie had the knowledge and skills to train Annika, and me too. The pups came along, and we had all three of the girls in training. From puppy classes, Canine Good Citizen classes, to agility, we all had a great time and the dogs were well mannered and dependable. Now, we are starting with a new puppy, a Mini Australian Shepard that is more of a challenge as he is faster, more agile, and incredibly energetic. We are looking forward to Basic Training and having a more responsive boy, and fewer bruised shins from his excited welcomes.

Molly Laycock & Cocoa
Connie is a natural when it comes to working with, training, and handling dogs! She is very knowledgeable - she understands and listens to them. Connie has a calm way about her, which enables her students (both owners and pets) to learn how to successfully work and live with each other! The dogs she trains are amazing in what they can do! She teaches consistency, gentleness, and loving care - this is why she is successful!