We Have Classes For All Puppy Ages!
When it comes to training, the early months of your puppy's life is essential. That's why we offer two types of classes.
Puppy Preschool
Puppy Preschool is for puppies 8 to 16 weeks. This 4-week class includes: homework handouts, socialization workbook, socialization safety guidelines, teething ring and online support, cost $120.
Note: Puppies must have at least one set of puppy vaccination - copy of records required.
What’s covered in class:
- Socialization Activities
- Puppy Obedience
- Intro to leash walking
- Preventing problem behaviors
- What to do about biting, jumping, potty training
- Proper play
- Grooming & Handling
- Crate Training
Click on Class Schedule to sign up today!

Manners & More
This class is for puppies and young adults, 5 to 18 months old. This 6-week class includes: homework handouts, socialization workbook, teething ring and online support, cost $180.
Manners & More
When puppies become teenager and young adults, manners and training can go out the window! They can become bossy, destructive, stubborn, unruly and difficult to live with. It’s at this age that many dogs are turned over to shelters. We can help!
What's covered in this class:
- Manners
- Impulse control
- Calm & Settle
- Attention & Focus
- Greetings
- Leash Manners
- Manage Unwanted Behaviors
- How To Make Training Fun!
- And More!
Sign up today! It's easy, just click on the Class Schedule page then click on the "enroll button", its that easy!